Combine Your Passion for the Aurora Public Schools Community With Your Desire to LEAD
Are you ready to pursue your principal’s license or graduate-level coursework in educational leadership? Then it’s time to take the next step on your APS leadership journey!
Aurora Public Schools staff are now invited to enroll in the collaborative APS/CSU Global Educational Leadership & Principal Licensure program. The course work is aligned with state standards and is grounded in the APS context. Participants complete the program with the skills, knowledge, and relationships needed to effectively lead in APS.
This program will utilize CSU Global’s asynchronous course content and add synchronous meetings to ensure participants understand how their learning aligns with the current context and application in Aurora Public Schools.
Together, we are committed to helping to build educational leaders through University-District collaboration, top-notch graduate courses, robust student support services, and continuous improvements to the student experience.
As an employee of APS pursuing education leadership or principal licensure, you are eligible for the following:
- A 33% discount on our graduate tuition rate, plus no student fees;
- Maximum credit transferred in from applicable graduate coursework;
- Access to an online orientation where students learn about the learning management system, how to navigate online courses, where to access required course materials, and more;
- Live tutoring, tech support, and online library access — all available 24/7!
Questions About the Next Cohort or This Partnership?
Dr. Larry Irvin, Director of Leadership Development
Aurora Public Schools
Dr. Christina Agvent
Program Director, MS Teaching and Learning/Educational Leadership
CSU Global